run it off

Rant. Run. Write. Repeat.

Archive for the category “Wes”

Saving Face

Finally, finally, snow has arrived in my neck of the woods, though it came hours before my second race of the winter and hit again the night before my third.  Timing.  But I’ll be honest, it feels much more like an achievement born of dedication to tell people you fought your way through legit wintry race conditions than to say you ran on a cloudy day with temps in the mid-40’s.  So I’ll take it.  And I’ll feel all proud of myself whilst I share the story with you…

New fallen snow on race day #2

New-fallen snow on race day #2


There was some question as to whether or not I’d be able to run this race.  I’d been nursing a sore back for a few weeks and knew I had another, longer race coming within days of this one, and that the conditions could be dicey.  Wes had been wanting to spend a snowy day on a nearby 11 mile hike and this would have been a good day for it.  In the end, though, he told me to go ahead and run.  Then spent the rest of the day crabby.  But that’s another post… Read more…

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through the darkness there is light


Old triathletes never die, they just transition....

Immature Fruit

Poetry, Travels, Sketches, Writings and a Sip of Inspiration with Passion.

Dianne Gray author

Australian Author

by PaulaB

Threads of Whimsy & Wisdom

Painting With Light


Ramshackle and Brambly

Literary Roost of the Night Owl Wrunner


Where do you find your sparkle? Where do you find your soul?


Survivor stories from SocietyRed...

Early to Rise Runner

A Lover of Running, Food and Wine

Rant. Run. Write. Repeat.

Back Track

How A Baby Boomer Turned The Clock Back By Racing Forward