run it off

Rant. Run. Write. Repeat.

Archive for the category “ranting”

Branching Out

I’m convinced the ancient Greeks got the whole Medusa thing wrong. Those aren’t snakes coiled about her head. They’re bookworms.

Someone recently pointed out to me that I have been less than egalitarian in my focus with this blog.  It seemed to her that I’d been posting heavily on my passion for running, at the expense of my love for writing.  (I can only assume my critical friend felt ranting had been given its full due.)

Not being one to fear an honest assessment of my work, I took the matter into consideration (but not before reminding the assessor to be a little less free with her opinions when addressing her elders to avoid being thought impertinent).  She was not entirely wrong.  In fact, she was a lot right.

Standing at this crossroads, I faced two options.  Stuff this flourishing blog back into the confines it had clearly outgrown, or give it room to grow naturally and hold on for the ride.  My writer friends out there know this was an easy choice to make.

So I’m branching out.  Today I launched Ramshackle and Brambly, a blog devoted purely to my literary work.  Now those of you who prefer to read about running can do that here without too much interruption, and those who’d rather read than speed will have a place to do so freely and without that seed of guilt in the pit of your gut over the frequently sedentary requirements of the writer/reader lifestyle.

But far be it from me to break up the party.  If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve experienced here, there’s a good chance you will continue to do so, even if you’re not into the fitness thing.  I encourage you to stick around.  Likewise, if you live for the thrill of the race and the wind in your face, and you just can’t do without the glory and pain and other melodramatics we runners love to boast about in memeform (damn right I’m trademarking that one), you just might enjoy the excitement a good story told well can offer~ and may even be game enough to take a detour through the poetry wing every now and then and add a little variety to your online routine.  You don’t train for that marathon on the same route every day, do you?  Why should exercising your brain be any different?

Growth is change.  No way around that.  I’ll be shaking things up a little around here in the next few weeks, but don’t worry.  The upheaval will be minor.  Meanwhile, please feel free to head over to the new site and explore my new roost.  Maybe click the follow button and stay awhile.  Hopefully you’ll feel it was time well spent.  I’m trying out a new moniker over there, as well; drop me a comment and let me know if you think I should make the switch official or hold onto Runoffwriter just a little while longer.

As always, thanks for reading, running, and ranting with me.  And here’s to writing the next chapter.

For the Record

Run it Off is growing…!

I decided I wasn’t content with the options available to you, the stellar audience of brilliants reading my blog these days, so I decided to add a few more.  Please jump around the site and explore all the additions.  Alright, maybe “all the” is a bit much.  More like, “a couple of” additions.  Enjoy, either way, and much love and thanks for the follows, views, likes, and comments, my friends!

What’s New

  • Head on up to the menu, and you’ll see a new page entitled “For the Record.”  This page, designed to provide quick access to Run it Off factoids, houses three further reference pages:
    1. Rantees: An index of people who have been subjected to my exasperation, with thorough explanations.
    2. Run-Offs (under construction): A compilation of my most impressive rants.
    3. Registered Trademarks: A bloglossary (think about it…blog+glossary=…there you go!) of Run it Off terms.
  • New product added to The Zipper Garage, and link-throughs added to pics to allow you to go right to a website and make a purchase if you like what you see.
  • And don’t forget, Run it Off is now on twitter!  Please check us out and follow when you get the chance (there’s a cute lil’ button just to the right if you’re so inclined), and if something really floats your boat, retweet!  Thanks!!

no! no! Oh No No!

no! no! working its magic… (Photo taken from Ginny McKnight’s Home Hair Removal Blog)

A friend of mine recently suggested I check out the latest product in hair removal: “no! no!”  I laughed, but listened.

Being no dummy, I don’t buy infomercials.  So I never followed through with this recommendation.  But anyone who can relate to the frustration I feel when I open the shower curtain after shaving and sprout goosebumps and all my hard work gets immediately wiped off the books will understand my harboring a little curiosity.  Maybe it really does work??

Someday I’ll have to check it out (but I’ll keep a low profile while doing it.  I have a reputation to keep, even if it’s only with myself) was basically how I left the issue. Read more…

Run it Off On Facebook

Run it Off On Facebook

Good news, friends!  Now you can keep up with all things Run it Off on my Facebook page, currently featuring spectacular artwork by myself (see below).  Please Like and spread the word!  Thanks so much!

I'm actually pretty quiet when I run.  This is more thematic than factual.

I’m actually pretty quiet when I run. This is more thematic than factual.

Rant. Run. Write. Repeat.

I have three hobbies.  I love to write.  I’m hooked on running.  And ranting is something I find myself doing more than either of them.  If you’ve found your way here, I’m guessing you share one or more of these passions.  I encourage you to join me in them all.

There are, however, a few ground rules.  First off, those of us who write will agree to call ourselves writers; we will not be bound by the P-word.  Yes, we’re placating ourselves.  That is acceptable here.  Unless, of course, I happen to be ranting against it, in which case it’s not.  My world, my rules.

The definition of a runner is simple here, too.  Do you run a lot by choice?  If yes, you’re a runner.  John Bingham says so.

And ranting, well… I don’t know anyone who doesn’t delve into this at some point during an average day, but that don’t make you no ranter.  Double negative notwithstanding, there are some stringent eligibility requirements for this one.  You have to be good at it.  Witty.  Entertaining.  Funny.  You get the idea.

Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s be off.  Rant.  Run.  Write.  Repeat.

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Rant. Run. Write. Repeat.

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