run it off

Rant. Run. Write. Repeat.

Archive for the tag “Northerner living south”

Cold, Inside Out

Frozen heart

Frozen heart (Photo credit: net_efekt)

Cold and I have a love/hate relationship.  I shouldn’t even give it a second thought, really; I’m a transplanted Northerner, so I grew up in its presence, and I can only ever remember one time in my younger days when I took any notice of it.  But I remember the struggle I had with it that night, fighting it, enduring it, calling on my mental reserves to keep me going.  Don’t get me wrong, I was only waiting for a ride, not lost in the wilderness, and I was even able to stand indoors.  But the freeze took hold of me and wouldn’t be driven out.  Cold didn’t notice, perhaps out of spite, that it belonged to the outside of our modern world, and wasn’t welcome indoors.  Instead, it decided to make itself at home and stay awhile, in the form of the person standing next to me. Read more…

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through the darkness there is light


Old triathletes never die, they just transition....

Immature Fruit

Poetry, Travels, Sketches, Writings and a Sip of Inspiration with Passion.

Dianne Gray author

Australian Author

by PaulaB

Threads of Whimsy & Wisdom

Painting With Light


Ramshackle and Brambly

Literary Roost of the Night Owl Wrunner


Where do you find your sparkle? Where do you find your soul?


Survivor stories from SocietyRed...

Early to Rise Runner

A Lover of Running, Food and Wine

Rant. Run. Write. Repeat.

Back Track

How A Baby Boomer Turned The Clock Back By Racing Forward